Q: Is Broomfield VOAD a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
A: No, we are simply a group of Broomfield nonprofits, faith-based organizations, corporations, and individuals who are prepared to assist in emergencies in Broomfield.
Q: If I am experiencing an emergency, will Broomfield VOAD help me?
A: Broomfield VOAD activates under the direction of the City and County of Broomfield’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager. Broomfield VOAD does not act autonomously or at the direction of citizens.
Q: How can I help Broomfield VOAD?
A: This is a two-step process. First, you must be prepared for an emergency at your home, at work, or in your car. Second, check the Membership Roster on the VOAD website to see if your organization is on it. If your organization is on the Roster, it is a Member of Broomfield VOAD. We encourage you to contact the person within your organization with whom Broomfield VOAD stays in touch. If you send us an email at [email protected], we can provide you with that person’s contact information. If your organization is not on the Membership Roster, we encourage your organization to email us at [email protected]. We would welcome the opportunity to visit with your organization about us.